Thursday, September 6, 2007


Tuesday ,September 11 is the annivesary of one of the saddest events that has occured during my lifetime.I was in my den playing with my two year old grandaughter when the programing on the t.v. was interupted. I thought it was a joke. this could not be happening in Amercia. As I continued to watch and listen, I realized this was happening!!!!!! I picked my grandaughter up and held her close.Then i called my Mom and we talked on the phone as we watched in horror as the events of the day unfolded.We still could not belive this was happening. My children called home to make sure my grandaughter and I were okay.My husband came home for lunch and we set glued to the t.v. We were waiting for someone to tell us it was all a mistake. That this was not true but it was true. It was almost as if the world had stopped moving. I felt as if I were frozen in time.I could not seem to move forward. I called some friends and we went to church to pray for all those innocent people. They were only trying to go about their day. This is a day I shall never forget. I also will lift up the families of the victims in special prayers this week. My flag will fly half mast in their honor .


ShabbyInTheCity said...

Six years! Isn't that something?
Home. In shock. Sad. At a loss. Glued to the t.v. for months afterwards. Had to hear every word that was said about 'it'.
I want to send you to the blog of a christian will love her posts!

tea time and roses said...

Clearly, as if yesterday do I remember 9/11... One of the saddest days in American History. Thanks so much for reminding us to continue to pray for the families of this tragedy, for I know for many of these families the pain is ever so present...


Amanda said...

Thank you for the comment about my dog awhile back! I really appreciate it.

Sept. 11th was a tradgedy. That also happens to be my dad's birthday, so it was an interesting day for our family that year. :-)

Tori Leslie said...

Wow has it been 6 years. I remember where I was. We were sitting in our living room watching the reports of missing planes when our language teacher came, then we watched the planes hit. Our language teacher a Bosnian refugee sat in tears as we watched the planes hit. It was amazing and for a second it seemed like life would never be the same, and it hasn't been.

I just found you and I'll be back. Thanks for the read!