Tuesday, September 4, 2007


THE LORD seeth not as a man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance but the LORDlooketh on the heart.1 Samuel 16;17 K.J.K. If only every one who meets us could see our hearts then no misjudgements would be made. The Lord does not care if I am short and fat .He cares about my soul and what I am doing to lve the rest of my bothers and sisters in our family here on earth.If I have all the riches man can obtain but I do not have the ability to love.I am as empty as an old turtle shell. I have nothing. My goal this week is not to judge people by what Isee but instead to love them from my heart Would it not be wonderful if only of all the hands that reached could touch, why not make it our goal today to lovesome one from our hearts. .


ShabbyInTheCity said...

Another sentiment straight from above! I'll take the challenge :)

tea time and roses said...

Thank you so much Mary Isabella for that beautiful word of God...

